
August 31, 2022
Fractional CTO Services
The impact that technology can have in empowering nonprofit organizations cannot be understated, which makes the task of finding a fractional executive all the more difficult. This is what has inspired our team at Computers in Ministry (CIM) to create this guide for all nonprofits.
August 28, 2022
Fractional CIO Services
A CIO is dedicated to technology that not only helps the employees run the organization, but in the long run helps the donors
August 28, 2022
Fractional COO Services
Without solid leadership driving their strategies and operations, an organization can risk catastrophe in the face of new challenges that arise—as they often do. Among the mission-critical roles for nonprofits or small businesses operating in virtually any industry is the chief operating officer (COO). One way small companies and nonprofits address their staffing and leadership needs is through fractional executive services, including COO, CIO, and CTO.